The Greek CQ4DVCI Multiplier Event was organised as a face-to-face event in Larissa, where DIMITRA’s premises are established, in order for the relevant stakeholders, interested parties and individuals to engage directly with the project results. Luckily, the Multiplier Event was organised in-person and not online as the COVID restrictions were loosened and this concluded to the successful knowledge transfer, demonstration of the CQ4DVCI methodology, educational material, e-learning platform & virtual network, networking and effective conversation and feedback with the participants.

The participation in the event was ensured through a pre-online registration. For social distancing purposes, the event was separated in two parts during the same day. Both parts included the presentation of the CQ4DVCI project, the educational material and the skills acquired as a Coordinator of Domestic Violence, the e-learning platform and the virtual network. At the end the event was closed with open discussion with the participants.



The CQ4DVCI Multiplier Event was scheduled for Thursday, March 24th, 2022. Since 32 participants  gathered in total during the pre-registrations, we decided to separate them in two sessions. Both sessions had the same structure and agenda, the first on implemented during 14:00-19:00 and the second one during 15:00-20:00, at DIMITRA premises.



A total of 32 participants who were VET educators, social workers, psychologists, integration consultants and consultants of mental health participated in the Multiplier Event, and their presence enabled the networking but also the evaluation and feedback on the main outputs.



The participants gave feedback on the organization of the event but also on the content and the information that was delivered in relevance to the CQ4DVCI outputs. According to the analysis of the discussions during the CQ4DVCI event, the majority of the participants:

•    were satisfied with the material presented during the event,
•    thought that the profile of the Coordinator of Domestic Violence will have a great impact on the domestic violence issue,
•    declared willingness to use the e-learning platform with the relevant material, and
•    was satisfied of the organization of the event and hospitality by DIMITRA.

As additional comments, no negative feedback was received but rather encouraging and satisfactory that concerned DIMITRA’s organization and hospitality for the event, the fact that the majority of the participants asked to participate in future events, workshops and activities related to such themes and finally that the immediate interesting parties believe that the outputs of the CQ4DVCI project will bring a revolution in the domestic violence issue in Greece.

Figure 1. The CQ4DVCI Greek MEv invitation



Figure 2. The CQ4DVCI Greek MEv Agenda


Figure 3. The CQ4DVCI flyer with the QR code of the website and the e-learning platform


Figure 4. The CQ4DVCI mailchimp email



Figures 5,6,7 Views from the Greek CQ4DVCI MEv sessions at DIMITRA premises, Larissa